Monday, September 13, 2010

Farming in India, past and present

Most of you have probably heard of Norman Borlaug and the Green Revolution he helped spawn.  While this period of history in India sparks some controversy among food systems folks out there, the man, Norman Borlaug is quite revered here at PAU. And PAU subsequently takes their role as the Breadbasket of India quite seriously.  Today I caught a brief ceremony dedicating the Economics and Sociology building (where Kamal's office is) to Mr. Borlaug.  After honoring the painting below, we all moved into the auditorium where I'm sure if I could understand Punjabi, some moving words were said. 

I remain somewhat opened minded (or am beginning to be more open minded) about the Green Revolution, so any and all comments on this topic are welcome. It will be interesting for me to hear more about it from an Indian's' perspective. 

This is the awesome time-warp vehicle that campus VIPs drive around in. Note the red sired on top for "emergencies"
Tomorrow and Wednesday are Kasan Mela - basically a gigantic farmers' fair, where about 1 lakh (100,000) farmers are expected to show up.  I should have some interesting photos on Thursday after they all get here!
More tents for Kasan Mela

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